Get Administrator acess in School college University by following steps.
1) Boot the computer in your school, allow this to load ...
1) Boot the computer in your school, allow this to load ...
2) Swich off via power source, (Plug, switch, yankin out wires, etc... )
3) Switch on the PC and then switch it back off whilst it is loading (before windows).
4) Power back on, but then hold down the power button on the computer until it's off again. note
5) Then turn it on you should get this screen...
Or else Press F8 while bios are loading at start up before windows load.and start it in Safe Mode.
If you don't, just repeat step 1-5 but do step 4 twice,
this should work!
6) Select "Safe Mode with command prompt" you may then get this...
this should work!
6) Select "Safe Mode with command prompt" you may then get this...
Followed by a giant login screen...
7) Login with the following...
7) Login with the following...
password: ***Leave this blank***
You should get this...
8.) type in the following...
net user administrator /active:no
net user administrator /active:yes
9)Restart the computer, then log onto the computer with
user: administrator
10) Enjoy your full Drive access for now
Okay, now Simple as to gain network access to any internet site...
Download this: Ultrasurf
Extract and put onto USB, then plug into the PC in school, and run from the USB! (Don't put onto school drives).
Need any help?! Post below!
Windows XP and Windows 7 only!
Please post below if you have made this work on another version of windows!
Disclamer: I am not resposible for the consequenses for you doing this, nor am I responsible for you getting banned...
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